Sam Bowker: The Grand Tour Diary (2005 - 2006)

This is the archived journal of a 2005-2006 'Grand Tour' around the Eastern Mediterranean and along East Africa, written by Sam Bowker, whilst in search of his PhD topic.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Egypt - Christmas Rush

Dedicated to Hazel for her recent Birthday

Also, for Nermeen and Tati's fantastic Cairo shopping skills!

I'm sorry, but this has to be a mere quick note. We are frantically trying to leave the house to go to Libya for ten days, returning on the 21st December. I have been putting together the Christmas shopping, the gift wrapping, all the cards, and helping relieve others of last-minute stress.

I wanted to write a proper blog post detailing the superb events of the last couple of days - the old men who walk with antique tripod contraptions through the City of the Dead, the panoramic minaret views, the sensational evening of shopping in the late-night historic city centre with two beautiful Egyptian women, the diplomatic parties and the long conversations with the Maltese Ambassador. But sadly, that's all the tantalising snapshot you're going to get.

Libya may have very restricted access to internet, but I will try to do what I did in Upper Egypt and give you all the longer posts you deserve on my return - your online Christmas Gift!

May you have a safe and happy Christmas lead-up, don't lose your temper or your cool, keep it real, stay ACE, be pumped, have fun, and seize the day. Oh, and Caveat Emptor while you're at it.


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