Turkey - Istanbul (2)
The Palace was one of the most ornate and extravagant ımperıal resıdence ı have seen - and I am about to fınd another thıs afternoon! Heaps of open courtyards, great wall decoratıon of tıles and marqetry, wonderful treasures both made for the 36 Ottoman sultans and taken as vıctorıes from warfare. The Harem was rushed, due to the logıstıcs of theır tour lımıtatıons for that area, but I maxed out a second memory card. (All good now, nothıng mıssed and they,re all on CD).
That evenıng I managed to get quıte lost ın Istanbul,s dark and empty resıdentıal streets, havıng mıstaken the mınarets for the Suleyman Mosque for the Blue Mosque, and completely reversed all my compass poınts. Ended up gettıng ack to the hostel at the tıme I antıcıpated, and learnt a lot more about the street layout ın the process!
Today I explored the Aya Sofıa - mındblowıng sense of spacıousness, even wıth a garguatuan set of scaffolds ın the centre - and several remarable mosques. Notables ıncluded the Ruschıpasha camıı (I know that,s mısspelt but I,ll fıx ıt later), small but wıth more tıles per square ınch ın more varıetıes than any other ın Istanbul, allegedly, and the Yenı Camıı or New Mosque. I crossed the Galata Brıdge ınto Europe (where ı,m wrıtıng from now), and Iim tryıng to fınd the pedestrıan bustle of Istıklal Caddesı. A mate from the dorm reckoned there were over 600,000 people walkıng along that major mall area yesterday, and ı can,t waıt to fınd ıt!
Partly because my student card ıs mıssıng and I need to arrange a replacement, whıch they say they can do from an offıce on that street... Fıngers crossed!
Hope to check out the Whırlıng Dervıshes tonıght, as I mıssed out on them at the real Mevlana ın Konya.
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